As I started the film, I realized that there are too few simple premise movies out there, that are well written. The writer uses a lot of exposition to fill plot holes in the film, but the movie is sweet enough that you can just let that go.
The concept of people being connected, a dejavu effect, the way a person can make you feel like you have known them your whole life, or upon first meeting, feel as though you have met before, is deftly handled by having Meg Ryan play three different characters through the story. And makes you think about how we can go through life and not see those right in front of us. For some reason, this resonated with me, not deeply, I don't think, but slightly below the surface.
The story is simple, and yet complex, universally. We spend all our lives not knowing who we are. And if you do know yourself, what do you do with yourself? I was amazed at how this simple film reached out and made me think. Think about finding myself, moving to some remote island and just living, or even throwing myself into a volcano.
I think we spend way too much time trying to be someone we're not, and it takes something to shakes us up, to wake us up, and realize that if we're not out there living, we're in here dying.
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